Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Terrible Blogger

So, I realize more and more that I'm a terrible blogger. I don't think I was ever good. Maybe back when Xanga was a big thing I was good and updated and commented often but that was a long time ago and this is now.

Alrighty then, so here's what's going on for me. I'm going to be trying to complete 50, 000 words (about 175 pages) in a month. That's a lot and I know it's certainly a lot for myself being stuck in writer's block as I am but I can do it. I know I can. I have great faith in myself on this. I've been needing a push to writer and this will certainly do it. I'm just hoping good comes out of it and nothing bad because I don't want this to be for a waste. BUT...then again, it won't be much of a waste because I'll be learning about myself more in this process and become a better person and I'm hoping a stronger writer. I just want to better myself, you know? Make myself better today than I was yesterday and so on. I feel this will certain cause me to do it. I just know I'm going to be stressed and angry at sometimes and want to be left alone as I do this and along with that, I'm going to have many ups and downs but I'm trying and trying is good right?

On a completely unrelated side note, I'm two decades old today. Saying I'm two decades old makes me feel old. I'll just say it how it would normally be said. I'm twenty years old and it's crazy to think it especially since I don't feel it and probably don't look it. Hmm...................

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